Monday, November 30, 2020

Pradip Burman sells nutraceuticals biz Sanat to German firm’s India unit

 Pradip Burman, the grandson of FMCG major Dabur founder S K Burman, has sold his nutraceutical business Sanat Products Ltd to the India subsidiary of German company Dr Willmar Schwabe GmbH.

The proceeds of the sale will be used to support his non-profit organisation Mobius Foundation of which Pradip Burman is chairman, said a company statement. It did not disclose the deal value.

Pradip Burman and other members of the Burman family held the stake in Sanat via Ratna Commercial Enterprises (P) Ltd, a non-banking finance (NBFC) and investment company.

Mobius Foundation focuses on environmental education and population stabilisation.

New Delhi-based Sanat Products, which was established in 1984, is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals and herbal extracts. Its products include Sunova Bioslim, Sunova Spirulina, Sunova Dr. Shugar, Sunova Curcumin, Uplat, and Turmix.

Sanat Products had recorded net sales of Rs 63 crore in the fiscal ended 31 March 2019 as compared with Rs 51.7 crore in the previous financial year, according to VCCEdge, the research arm of Mosaic Digital.

Its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) had expanded to Rs 4.54 crore during the period from Rs 1.66 crore.

Dr Willmar Schwabe started operations in India in 1997 when it had opened its first factory in Noida.

Originally published on-

Mr Pradip Burman, 76-Year-Old Sustainability Crusader Seeks To Change The Way India Lives And Learns

 Even at 76, Pradip Burman, the zestful chairman of Mobius Foundation radiates a contagious enthusiasm when he is talking about sustainability. The environmental crusader, better known to many as the great-grandson of Dabur founder Dr S.K.Burman, has devoted substantial attention towards promoting the concept of sustainability in all aspects of life. He refuses to conform to the convenience and comfort in today’s world which ultimately adds on to the adverse effects of climate change. 

Talking to The Logical Indian, Burman emphasised why sustainability as a concept is indispensable for us. “We ought to be aware of what lies ahead of us. Soon we will finish the oil, iron, tin, and coal, and our next generations will be left with nothing. Recycling, banning plastics, stop felling trees for paper… This should become a part of everyone’s lifestyle,” he urges. Mr Burman watering a sapling at the tree plantation drive organised by his non-profit Mobius Foundation 

Traditional wisdom and modern research 

A mechanical engineer from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, Burman had always nurtured a keen interest in helping the society, as evident from his graduation project of designing a sonic aid for the visually challenged, which detected obstacles in the way using ultrasonic wave signals. 

As an executive for the nature-centric company Dabur, Burman has always opted for natural alternatives to solve his everyday problems like taking Ayurvedic medicine to cure his Arthritis. He later launched the veterinary wing for Dabur – Ayurvet – which provides nature-friendly solutions for animal health care. 

A patron of the ancient scientific wisdom of India, Burman always hailed the confluence of “traditional knowledge and modern research”, which he advocated as the Ayurvet motto. Ayurvet is one of the best ventures by Mr Burman 

As part of the CSR initiative of Dabur, Pradip Burman founded SUNDESH (Sustainable Development Society) which has been tirelessly working for last 25 years in remote villages for uplifting the rural communities in an environmentally sustainable way. 

An advocate of sustainability 

Burman believes that sustainability is the indispensable mantra for the world at present. Due to uncontrolled utilisation of the planet’s resources by human beings, the world today stands at a juncture of destabilisation. Today the human race has reached the pinnacle of progress but the advancement is happening in a very unsustainable manner. 

Through energy-efficient use of everyday essentials like transport, communication, altered habits of diet, clothing and daily living, some crusaders of sustainability try to reduce their carbon footprint. Pradip Burman’s Mobius Foundation is one of the forerunners toward sustainability goals. 

Mobius Foundation aims to change the sustainability dynamics 

In 2015, Burman paved the way for the start of Mobius Foundation, focused on sustainability. Named after 18th-century German mathematician August Ferdinand Mobius, the famous Mobius strip has an important philosophical significance. The extraordinary shape symbolises balance and union. 

Similar is the essence of Mobius Foundation which wishes to enhance the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” principle to a widespread basis in India, helping generations to come.

 Founder Pradip Burman wishes to achieve notable development in education, population stabilisation and renewable energy projects. 

A dream school in the making 

At Coorg, Pradip Burman’s Mobius Foundation is constructing the World Environment School, Coorg (WESc) where the curriculum will surpass the boundaries of books and classrooms, with a special focus on hands-on learning in close collaboration with the environment. Amidst the pristine natural beauty of Coorg, the school will nurture young minds to grow up into future green leaders. As of now, the school will be open to teenagers, welcoming students from standards 6 to 12. World Environment School hopes to shape future green leaders (Representational Image, Credits –

 Needless to say, World Environment School will be the first-of-its-kind not only in India but also in entire South Asia. The school is expected to start from March 2020. 

The school promises to nurture the responsible behaviour of citizens of our future. 

The Sustainability Conference of 2019

 In 2019, the Mobius Foundation has planned an international conference, on the lines of the celebrated earth summits over the past decade. The 2019 International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE 2019) aims to bring together environmental activists, practitioners of sustainable development as well as climate change experts to help develop a sustainability-focused curriculum. 

It is surmised that the conference will give a platform to innovative concepts of Sustainability Education including an essential change in the existing education system ensuring a wholesome personal development for a student. Mr. Pradip Burman delivering a speech at Jagan Institute Of Management Studies 

The Sustainability crusader 

The Mobius founder strongly believes that it is high time to sprout sustainability awareness among a society drowning in consumerism and unknowingly doing irreparable harm to the planet, every second. The best way to achieve this goal is through education which is available to all. At present, the education system is predominantly career-oriented, making the learners a victim of materialism, and thus, their dreams are also outlined in those colours.

 Living beyond the limits 

When asked about his wish to attain the age of hundred, he strongly asserts that more than becoming a centurion, he wishes his life and work continue to better the society even in his absence. “I have lived my life. I wish that whatever I start before I go, will continue – for the betterment of my country,” says Mr Pradip Burman.

 He is also a trustee of the Climate Reality Project – India (affiliated to Mr. Al Gore of the Climate Reality Project Foundation, USA). Climate Reality Project, India, has been actively engaged igniting the spark and spreading the message of climate change amongst educators, policy makers and civil society. The India branch looks after more than 500 trained Climate Leaders, and more than 900 volunteers spread all over the country. 

In his journey, Pradip Burman has been a beacon of hope for millions, motivating many to join the movement for sustainability. We wish he continues his tireless efforts for promoting sustainability awareness and inspire generations to come.

Orginally -

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

8 Must-Follow Instagram Pages of Top NGO in India


The list of environmental issues is substantial. Challenges of pollution, global warming, natural resource depletion, and waste disposal affect the daily lives of billions of people. The effect is gradual, while the majority might not even notice it. That’s why every minute of attention on this subject is of vital importance. Keeping our planet healthy is a pressing matter. This enumeration of  environmental NGOs is compiled to offer an insight into the conservational efforts of environmentalists. These organizations try their best to make our world a better place on a daily basis.  


1. Mobius Foundation

Mobius Foundation, established in 2015, is a ngos working for sustainable development in india. In a world struggling with scarcity, the foundation believes that environmental conservation is the key to a better future and a greener planet. Mobius Foundation, as the name implies, is committed to sustainability, strengthening systems with empowering technologies and encouraging healthy behaviour. Their  principal focus is on education, environment, and population stabilisation that contribute to sustenance. Mobius Foundation ngo sustainability has a vision to collaborate with a diverse range of public & civil partners to advance the cause & practices of sustainable consciousness amongst Indian citizens 


2. Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)


Established in 1980 and headquartered in New Delhi it’s main objective is to develop into an excellent resource centre with information — printed and visual — on sustainable development issues, which is possibly the best in India.It is a not-for-profit public interest research ngo environment and advocacy organisation.It works as a think tank on environment-development issues in India, poor planning, climate shifts devastating India’s Sundarbans.

3. Clean Air Asia

This organisation too works for the likes of air pollution and its objective is to improve air quality and contribute to more livable and healthy cities. The focus will be on cities with high impact potential as well as the potential for leveraging wider change. It is aiming to work on the following:-

Be working with cities to implement concrete actions for measurable change.

Promote national and regional collaboration and learning to implement best practices and drive innovation.

Mobilize for change by communicating to and raise awareness of the public and key stakeholders including non-environment NGOs in relation to air quality.

4. Toxic link

These people help in creating awareness about toxins prevalent in the environment around us. According to them, they are a group of people working together for environmental justice and freedom from toxins. They have taken it upon themselves to collect and share information about the sources and dangers of poisons in our environment and bodies, as well as clean and sustainable alternatives for India and the rest of the world. They have Film Festivals, Mass media awareness and much more.

 5. Environics Trust

This ngo working for sustainable environment in india conducts participatory research on issues of environmental and human behaviour and uses these outcomes for innovative community development programmes. Environics provides research and evaluation services to International, National, State and Local Institutions and directly works with marginalized communities such as those in the mountain regions, tribal and communities adversely affected by mining and industrialization. 

6. Help Delhi Breathe

These environmental ngos in delhi have been trying to solve our air pollution crisis by ensuring that all Delhi citizens have proper information about this problem and how they can protect themselves. So they have been making people aware of the problems, solutions they can have for tackling air pollution by setting up different campaigns in Delhi and making people sign petitions to make people more aware of air pollution in specific and join hands with them in specific.

 7. Vasudha Foundation

It  is actively involved and engaged in the climate negotiations that take place under the aegis of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), it has recently been accredited as an Observer organization to the UNFCCC process at the 19th Conference of Parties held at Warsaw, Poland. The organization is also involved in following other multilateral forums such as the G-8, G-20, and the Green Climate Fund to name a few. Its main mission is to promote environment -friendly, socially just and sustainable models of energy by focusing on renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and lifestyle solutions.They believe in the conservation of Vasudha, which in Sanskrit means the Earth, the giver of wealth. They believe in the sustainable consumption of its bounties. And they believe in adopting green-ways for a good Earth.


8. Wildlife Institute of India

It is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate change, Government of India. It was founded in 1982.The institute is based in Dehradun, India. Its main Objective is to nurture the development of wildlife science and promote its application in conservation, in consonants with our cultural and socio-economic milieu. Its Key Functions include research in areas of study like Biodiversity, Endangered Species, Wildlife Policy, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Forensics, Spatial Modeling, Ecodevelopment, Habitat Ecology and Climate Change.WII has a research facility which includes Forensics, Remote Sensing and GIS, Laboratory, Herbarium, and an Electronic Library.


Keeping our planet healthy is a pressing matter. We are not doing it just for us, but also for the many generations of humans and animal species to come. Fortunately, a lot of great compassionate people and these Top NGO in India are working hard every day to help the cause of environmental protection.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Mobius Foundation announces the launch of India’s first environment school- World Environment School (WESc)

 Mobius Foundation, an Indian NGOs working towards Environmental Sustainability, today, announced the launch of India’s first environment school in Coorg, Karnataka. World Environment School, Coorg (WESc) will be the first school in India and South Asia to take a leading role in promoting and delivering environmental education with sustainability at its core. Spread over a hundred acres across the beautiful hills of Coorg, the school’s focus is to build strong environmental and moral values among its students.

WESc will be operational from 2021 for Grade 6 to 12 students from India and around the world. The school will cater to the parents who want the next generation to be actively involved in the protection and sustainability of the environment apart from a world-class education.

The school will be set up with assistance from Whitgift School, a leading British educational institute and a part of Whitgift Foundation, a charity based in Croydon, South London, England. Whitgift School will provide academic support to WESc which would involve establishing all aspects of the curriculum and syllabus development, assessment and best-teaching and learning practices.

Mr Pradip Burman, Chairman, Mobius Foundation, said, “We at Mobius Foundation is environment ngo in delhi and we are very happy to announce the launch of WESc. This school along with the new age curriculum has been a long-cherished dream for me and my team. Through this school, we are putting together sustainable education in a way that has never been done before, and we plan to scale up cutting-edge environmental education. Along with innovative programmes, the school’s dedicated team of teachers will deliver an enriched learning experience tailored to the individual needs of each student.” He further adds, “Education for Sustainable Development is not only about being environmentally-friendly; it also involves developing life-skills including leadership, communication and management; all of which are extremely important for personal development.”

WESc will offer an international curriculum with affiliation from Cambridge Assessments and International Baccalaureate. It will be blended with a cutting edge environmental curriculum designed by the Centre for Environment Education (CEE). The IB Diploma Programme is an academically challenging and balanced programme of education with final examinations that prepare students for success at university and life beyond. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students. The programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities.

“The need for NGO Related to Environment in India is growing rapidly as the degradation of the environment is taking place at a fast pace. Considering the escalating need, we have partnered with Mobius Foundation, which has taken a lead role in this direction by launching India’s first environment school. Every individual must take steps in reviving the natural resources and have an empathetic outlook towards the environment, a school dedicated to this purpose would certainly spread awareness.” said Mr Chris Ramsay, Head Master, Whitgift.

WESc aims to create an environment where teachers and faculty will cultivate a positive and progressive school culture. Teachers will have more opportunities to devise unique learning opportunities and students would benefit through increased participation and productivity and improved problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

WESc further intends to create a nurturing environment, in which young people can unleash and realise their potential, find their individuality, develop their intellect, appreciate diverse cultures, respect the environment, enhance their interpersonal skills, learn to work independently and collaboratively, pursue excellence, enhance their creativity and grow into mature citizens, committed to making a positive contribution to society and the nation.

Sources:- India education diary

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gyan Anant Vidyalaya Atrauli to be the First Environmental School in Uttar Pradesh

 There are many schools in urban areas to educate children, but rural India lacks this basic infrastructure. Mobius Foundation has stepped in to bridge this gap. The foundation is going to open Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV) in Atrauli village of Ghaziabad district. Environmental education will be the primary focus during academic sessions. Initially, the school will have classes till 7th standard. From the next academic year, the school will offer education till 12th standard.

The Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV) will have all the facilities of an urban school, fulfilling the aspirations of the rural youth. The school will work with a different approach and the focus would be on the all-round development of children. The school would create sensitivity among students towards the environment. It believes in the fact that all children have different talents and abilities, which can be nurtured for a greater benefit to society.

Talking about the school Pradip Burman, Chairman-Mobius Foundation, said, "The school aims to create a sense of responsibility among its students towards the environment. The school would impart moral values in students. It will be the first kind of institution teaching students an array of subjects including moral and environmental education. Sustainable education will be encouraged through this approach."

He further said that every person should try to conserve nature. Gyan Anant Vidyalaya will play a big role in environmental conservation as it will make children aware of the conservation of nature and natural resources. It will bring change in the thinking of society towards the environment.

About Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV):

The enrollment process has already started in this school with an intake capacity of 1800 students. Classes will start in the school from the next session. Besides study, the school will also focus on extra and co-curricular activities such as competitive activity, school trips, music bands, sports (indoor and outdoor), literary activity, social service, acting, drama, etc. The school will have a team of experienced teachers who will impart skills and knowledge in students.

Eco-friendly campus based on sustainability

The building has direct natural sunlight and cross ventilation at the entrance, windows and rooms are kept airy. Solar power energy is used in the school throughout the day to keep an environment friendly campus.

Salient Feature:

  • Excellent infrastructure, stress free environment, child friendly curriculum.
  • Multiple Indoor & Outdoor sports facility which students can practice during the year.
  • Amphitheatre & Outdoor stage
  • Study & learning zone.
  • After school academy for sports.
  • Computer Lab with Internet facility
  • Well-equipped and spacious science labs
  • Smart classes.
  • CCTV surveillance
  • Student Teacher Ration 25:1

For more details visit:

SOURCE:-  Pr News Wire

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Mr. Pradip Burman - Life of an Environmental Crusader

 Pradip Burman is an influential leader, sworn environmentalist and a crusader of sustainability. He is the grandson of DR. S.K Burman, the founder of India’s largest ayurvedic company, Dabur. Born in a family of innovators and philanthropists, he imbibed the leadership quality and has always been passionately interested in social causes. To pursue his dream of `leading the world towards a more sustainable future, Mr. Burman founded Mobius Foundation ngos working for sustainable development in India. This non governmental organization has a sole objective of environment conservation. He currently serves as the Chairman of Ayurvet Ltd. and Sanat Products Ltd. Take a glimpse into Pradip Burman's journey of how he turned into a beacon of hope for millions.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Can the use of green crackers reduce pollution levels during Diwali in India?


After COVID-19, Air Pollution is increasingly becoming the next health crisis in India. Three major cities-Delhi, Mumbai & Kolkata, are in the top 10 cities with worst air pollution in the entire world. With Diwali just around the corner, the air quality can plummet further in the coming days.

Every year, India celebrates the festival of lights with diyas, sweets, firecrackers, and great aplomb. However, the deteriorating air quality across states & union territories has raised warning signs and a cause of concern for the upcoming celebrations.

The National Green Tribunal has imposed a complete ban on sale and use of firecrackers in Delhi and nearby areas that will last till November 30. Delhi has already topped the charts for the worst pollution in the world and the ban aims to prevent the rise of pollution levels in the capital. Several states like Haryana, Karnataka, Chandigarh, Mumbai, West Bengal, Odisha, National Capital Region have followed suit. The governments are urging people to opt for ‘Green Crackers’ to minimize the damage caused by crackers.

Green crackers are an environment-friendly alternative to the loud and chemical-filled firecrackers burst every year. They have a smaller shell casing with less harmful raw material and cause lower emissions. Green crackers have additives and release water vapour that suppress dust particles and cause 30% less particulate matter pollution. Apart from this, these crackers do not have banned chemicals like lithium, lead, barium, and arsenic. Also known as Safe Water Releaser (SWA), Safe Minimum Aluminium (SAFAL) and Safe Thermite Cracker (STAR), green crackers were researched and developed by CSIR-NEERI scientists on court’s directions.  

Over the years, firecrackers have not only polluted our air but also caused noise pollution, burn injuries, fires, injuries to stray animals and loss of life and property. In 2019, Delhi Fire Service (DFS) responded to over 300 calls and 7 people lost their lives. Stats from other states show 498 patients were admitted to OPD at Sawai Man Singh Hospital, Jaipur including 108 emergency cases. In Odisha, a man scummed to death and another was charred to death due to bursting of firecrackers. Kolkata witnessed a tragic loss of a 5-year old boy who was just passing by some people bursting crackers.

Numerous steps to combat Diwali pollution are taken by various authorities in India. Cracker ban, use of ‘green crackers’ in moderate air quality areas, etc. are some steps taken in this direction. While green crackers are not a complete solution, their use instead of traditional crackers can be a detriment to minimizing the damage.

Commenting on the pollution levels and impending Diwali celebrations, Pradip Burman says “While celebrations in India are considered incomplete without the spark of crackers, it is imperative that we restraint from participating in such activities this year. With the air quality already dangerous to breathe, let us not make it a choking disaster.” Pradip Burman is a prominent influencer, environmentalist, and crusader of sustainability in India.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Mr Pradip Burman - The famous influential leader

 Pradip Burman is an influential leader, sworn environmentalist and a crusader of sustainability. He is the grandson of DR. S.K Burman, the founder of India’s largest ayurvedic company, Dabur. Born in a family of innovators and philanthropists, he imbibed the leadership quality and has always been passionately interested in social causes. To pursue his dream of leading the world towards a more sustainable future, Mr. Burman founded Mobius Foundation with the sole objective of environmental conservation. He currently serves as the Chairman of Ayurvet Ltd.  


Education being the most powerful weapon and environment being a most essential element for sustenance, it is very critical that we all share a common vision to build a better tomorrow.Keep this in mind Pradip Burman wants to  establish a modern, technology-based, problem-solving, head-to-toe remedial,harvested from nature’s wealth and characterized by trust and healthy lives.


With advancement in technology and fast paced developments, it is very important to build an ecosystem which goes hand in hand with the surroundings. To make this a reality, he feels responsible to begin the change and culminate it with a better tomorrow.Moreover to help humans live healthy with the help of herbal remedial solutions of all their healthcare problems their goal is to create value for all of their customers and consumers by fulfilling this mission.


Over the years, Pradip Burman was engaged in leading the companies that merged with Dabur India Ltd., such as Vidogum & Chemicals Ltd.

Pradip Burman is the Chairman of Ayurvet Limited. His journey started with Dabur India Limited as a Management Trainee in 1968 and flourished over the years to reach an esteemed position with many Award and Honours

Awards and Honours

CII-ITC Sustainability Award 2019
List of ASSOCHAM D&I Award Winners
CII-ITC Sustainability Award 2018 in “Excellence in CSR” Category. (Ayurvet Limited)
GMP+ Certification (Ayurvet Limited)
Financial Leadership Award 2018- Excellence in Finance Transformation (Ayurvet Limited)
Great Place To Work (January-December-2018) (Ayurvet Limited)
Delhi’s Best Employers Award- 2017 (Ayurvet Limited)
Best Implementing Agency Award for Jal Abhiyan (Ayurvet Research Foundation)
Great Place To Work (April, 19-March, 2020) (Ayurvet Limited)
International Poultry Award, 1996
Teri Corporate Environmental Award, 2009
Golden Peacock Innovation Award, 2009
ILDEX India Award, 2009
Agricultural Leadership Award, 2009
The Water Digest –Water Awards, 2009-10
Best Rural Film- Doodh Ka Chor, 2010
Franchise India Agri-Business Award, 2010
Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award (BIS), 2010
CII Agrotech Award for Best Technology, 2010
The Quality Council of India Award in year, 2011
RMAI Award for Ayurvet Pashujagat Radio Programme, 2012
RMA Award for Best CSR Hygiene for Human and Udder Health, 2012
RMAI Award 5F- New Concept in Agriculture & Dairy, 2013
CII-ITC Sustainability Award, 2013
IIT-BHU Distinguished Alumni Award of Excellence, 2013-14
Assocham Innovation Excellence Award, 2014
Agricultural Leadership Award, 2014
Lifetime Achievement Award for Health through Ayurveda in year, 2014
RMAI Lifetime Achievement Award to Sh. M.J. Saxena, 2016
RMAI Flame Awards Asia, 2016
Best HR Practice by Delhi Management Association, 2016
Influential HR Leader Award, 2016
National Academia Veterinary Science fellowship to Ayurvet, 2017
Delhi Best Employer Award in the category of “Excelling HR Technology” by World HRD Congress, 2017
Great Place to Work Award – Top SME Companies in India, 2017

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Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman? Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S....