Showing posts with label Top NGO in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top NGO in India. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Top 10 NGOs In India Are Making A Difference

 It is difficult to know the exact number of NGOs in the nation. However, according to a report by the government, there are at least 31 lakh NGOs, which are operated in the country. There are a plethora of volunteers working towards maintaining social equality through education, disaster relief, healthcare rights and so on. Social service does not just empower the people, but it also builds values in our culture, and we at Mobius Foundation are proud to be a part of this circle.

Here are some of the most successful stories of the Best NGOs in India that are putting effort & forth outstanding work in establishing equal opportunity to empower people.

1. Child Rights and You (CRY)

Rippan Kapur found CRY in 1979 with six of his friends, having fifty rupees, which was lying at his mother’s dining table. They had a dream to witness a day when every single child in India would enjoy his or her rights, such as protection, survival, and development. 

Rippan was a young airline purser, hated seeing children work as servants. Being part of his school’s social service club, he helped street children with reading & writing. His motto was ‘What I can do, I must do.’

Today, CRY is among the top 100 non-profit organisations making a difference around the globe through its several projects.

2. Mobius Foundatiion

Mobius Foundation, a non-profit organisation, founded by Mr Pradip Burman, are contributing bit to promote environmental sustainability through sustainable methods that enable us to break unsustainable practices. These non-viable practices, such as overconsumption of energy & natural resources, deforestation, and sharp population, are harming the environment.

Our initiatives elevate ecological conservation through Project Sanjeevani & population stabilization. It also encourages people to reduce energy usage & nature resources through green education to lessen the carbon footprint. 

3. Give India

Give India falls under the Top NGO in India. It provides a platform for people who wish to support a noble cause. Give India allows individuals to support its cause while ensuring that whatever amount they transfer gets transparency & credibility for their donation. It is the largest & one of the most trustworthy NGOs in India.

4. Nanhi Kali

Nanhi Kali is an NGO founded in 1996 by Anand Mahindra, jointly managed by Naandi Foundation and KC Mahindra Education Trust, which is part of the Mahindra Group’s corporate social responsibilities. It supports education for underprivileged girls in India.

It offers education to girls and women to influence India in the long run positively by helping them to be aware of their rights.

5. Goonj

Goonj is another non-governmental organisation in Delhi, India. It performs different activities such as disaster relief, humanitarian aid & community development in parts of 23 states of India. Anshu Gupta founded Goonj in 1999. He received the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2015 for his work.

The Schwab Foundation, a World Economic Forum named Anshu Gupta, India’s Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012.

6. Smile Foundation

Young corporate professionals founded Smile Foundation in 2002, inspired by the philosophy of Peter Senge, the founder of the Society for Organisational Learning.

They began working from scratch to bring a difference in the lives of underprivileged families. Because the urban slum dwellers lack the education to be aware of diseases & healthcare. They do not visit the hospitals for checkups out of risking a day’s wages. Smile Foundation has a two-fold approach to tackle this problem. They worked hard to bring quality healthcare services with easy access to the needy. The second step they took was to promote healthcare awareness & encourage the poor to seek help. With their work & over 200 projects on social causes across 25 states, Smile could reach 6 lakhs, children & families, across 950 villages & slums in India.

7. HelpAge India

HelpAge India is an Indian non-profit organization focused on the concerns of elders. Cecil Jackson-Cole found it in 1978 with a mission to work for the cause and care of under-aged and elderly people, & improve their living standards. HelpAge is taking action against pension, healthcare, elder abuse at the national, state and social levels with the central & state governments & advocates for the needy. It aims to serve disadvantaged elders to lead an active and healthy life.

8. Uday Foundation

This organisation has a unique and heart-touching story behind its establishment. Tulika and Rahul Verma had welcomed their second baby, Arjunuday, in 2006. He was born with multiple congenital defects & after nine surgeries; he turned into a normal boy, but with the need of an artificial mechanism for his bowel movements. This led Rahul Verma to establish Uday Foundation to support children who are suffering from congenital disorders & other syndromes.

The foundation also researches new technologies in the healthcare sector to treat those children having congenital diseases. They have other various projects for common people and children to treat. It also has several programs for raising donations for food, blankets and so on.

9. CARE India

CARE India is a non-profit organisation. It has been working for 68 years, focusing on reducing social injustice and poverty. It also empowers women and girls from marginalised communities & improves their living conditions. The organization reached 31.5 million people through 43 projects in 14 states, covering over 90 districts. It is a part of CARE International Confederation, which operates in 95 countries globally, where people live with dignity & safety.

10. LEPRA Society

LEPRA Society aims to promote quality healthcare by providing medical help to marginalized women, children and slum dwellers. They try to bring a positive change into the lives of poor people by giving them the confidence to live a dignified life. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Top 10 NGOs In Delhi That Working for Environment Protection

 Environment concerns in 2021 have only risen, and it is badly affecting climate. To curb such issues, environmental NGOs are undertaking selfless activities to protect our planet. The top 10 environmental NGOs in Delhi are as follows:

  1. Mobius Foundation

Mobius Foundation is one of the best NGOs in Delhi that organizes campaigns promoting sustainability and environment protection. Their awareness programs encourage sustainable practices like renew, re-use and replace non-renewable resources. They want to eradicate overpopulation and educate younger generations about the importance of sustainable practices through introducing green schools. 

  1. Help Delhi Breathe

Help Delhi Breathe is the top NGO in Delhi to reduce air pollution and improve air quality. These initiatives will let the residents breathe fresh air and reduce diseases like asthma and lung ailments. To overcome air pollution, HDB organizes campaigns to educate people about the consequences and the necessities.

  1. Delhi Greens

Delhi Greens is the best home-grown environmental NGO in India that aims to preserve natural resources. They spread the values of environmentalism and its benefits for future generations. They focus on educating the residents of Delhi about sustainable development and climate change. 

  1. Being Green

Based in New Delhi, Being Green is a well known NGO in Delhi that focuses on living sustainably through efficient habits in a Green Society. People interested in volunteering can contact them as they are always looking for participation from environmental enthusiasts who can bring change to society.

  1. Clear Air Asia

This NGO works in cities that are highly air polluted and need immediate action to survive. One such city is Delhi. They have been incorporated in Delhi to bring change by raising awareness about collaboration and unity among organizations in sustaining the planet.

  1. Chintan

Spreading the values of knowledge, action and activism, Chintan is an NGO working for environment protection in India. They work towards reducing air pollution, recycling, waste management, and making the world a better place to live. Recently Chintan has introduced an initiative to educate waste pickers about waste management.

  1. Toxics Link

Toxics Link is one of the top environmental NGOs in Delhi that works towards a toxic-free environment. Toxins such as lead, chemicals, paints, mercury, pesticides, medical waste, plastic, etc., are harmful to the nourishment of the environment. Their programs aim at eliminating these toxins from the environment.

  1. Environics Trust

This NGO focuses on researching the problems related to the environment and human behaviour. These researches are later used in building innovative community development campaigns. Environics also offers these research services to local, state, national and international institutions and works with communities affected by industrialization and mining.

  1. Swechha 

Swechha is a youth-led NGO working for environmental protection in India. Their mission is to create awareness campaigns and spread the value of 'be the change' for the environment among the citizens. They also focus on eradicating water and air pollution through sustainable practices. Anyone can volunteer in their programs.

  1. SankalpTaru Foundation

SankalpTaru Foundation is a leading NGO in Delhi, solely focusing on planting trees and spreading greenery in metropolitan cities like Delhi and Bangalore. But they encourage people to plant trees in their vicinity, and once it's done, the volunteers can contact them for the certificate of appreciation.


Friday, June 11, 2021

5 Growing Environmental NGOs in India

 The environment is becoming hazardous day by day due to climate change, pollution, overpopulation, deforestation, global warming, consumption of non-renewable resources and many more. To eradicate such causes, environmental NGOs are making selfless efforts to save the planet for our future generations. 

Find below the list of the top 5 growing environmental NGOs in India

1. Mobius Foundation

In 2015 Mobius Foundation was initiated by Mr Pradip Burman, an influential leader, sworn environmentalist and a crusader of sustainability. He has set up initiatives that focus on the importance of a sustainable lifestyle in today’s world. The 3 initiatives are:

a. Project Akar

b. Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV)

c. World Environment School (WESc)

Mobius Foundation’s mission is to organise awareness programs that help in encouraging, educating and adopting practices that preserve the ecosystem. Visit their website and watch some exciting comics that help in learning sustainable practices easily.

2. Catch Foundation

Catch Foundation is one of the best environmental ngos in delhi. Their team includes army officers, government officials, senior citizens, entrepreneurs, students, homemakers, etc. Their awareness programs aimed at the plastic-free environment, waste management and plantenance (plantation+maintenance) of trees. Their mission is to make people aware of the sustainable lifestyle to create a clean and better environment for future generations.

Their upcoming event ‘Swachhta Sangram 2’ will help spread the message ‘Say No To Use Single-Use Plastic’ The volunteers will collect old newspapers from societies and make paper bags. These bags later will be distributed to the vegetable vendors in local markets.

3. Help Delhi Breathe

In 2015, Help Delhi Breathe, an environment protection NGO, was established to put an end to the rising air pollution in Delhi. Every year in winter, Delhi becomes one of the worst air-polluted cities in the world. People face respiratory and vision problems as the air is full of smog. This crisis has led to this initiative.

Their mission is to educate residents and businesses to adopt permanent practices that lower the pollution levels. They organise awareness programs to fill the gap between conscious lifestyle solutions and the people.

4. Ahwaan Foundation

Ahwaan Foundation is among the best NGOs in India that clean water bodies and protect marine life. Their mission is to ensure pristine water, a lively ocean and approachable beaches for everyone to be enthralled around the water bodies.

They are mostly worried about water pollution through single-use plastics, tins, medical wastes, surgical masks, sanitary pads, needles, etc., that could be dangerous to marine life. Therefore they have started collaborating with various local beach cleaning troops across India. The volunteers come together and clean the dirty beaches, rivers, oceans, and lakes and responsibly dump the water waste.

5. SankalpTaru Foundation

SankalpTaru Foundation is the top NGO in India that promotes spreading greenery and eradicating the climate crisis. They work with their core philosophy of ‘Planting trees for the people, by the people’. They have planted and maintained over a million trees across 21 states in India. They focus on intensifying agriculture, lessen carbon footprints, diversifying India through heterogeneous flora and many more.

With this initiative, over 30000 farmers are benefited, 20000 students are enlightened, 5000 acres of land are greenified, and more than 31000 volunteers have made this initiative successful. Anyone can donate them to plant their own tree and track its live location and growth updates.

Join hands with us today. Let’s come and work towards the betterment of our planet together!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

8 Must-Follow Instagram Pages of Top NGO in India


The list of environmental issues is substantial. Challenges of pollution, global warming, natural resource depletion, and waste disposal affect the daily lives of billions of people. The effect is gradual, while the majority might not even notice it. That’s why every minute of attention on this subject is of vital importance. Keeping our planet healthy is a pressing matter. This enumeration of  environmental NGOs is compiled to offer an insight into the conservational efforts of environmentalists. These organizations try their best to make our world a better place on a daily basis.  


1. Mobius Foundation

Mobius Foundation, established in 2015, is a ngos working for sustainable development in india. In a world struggling with scarcity, the foundation believes that environmental conservation is the key to a better future and a greener planet. Mobius Foundation, as the name implies, is committed to sustainability, strengthening systems with empowering technologies and encouraging healthy behaviour. Their  principal focus is on education, environment, and population stabilisation that contribute to sustenance. Mobius Foundation ngo sustainability has a vision to collaborate with a diverse range of public & civil partners to advance the cause & practices of sustainable consciousness amongst Indian citizens 


2. Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)


Established in 1980 and headquartered in New Delhi it’s main objective is to develop into an excellent resource centre with information — printed and visual — on sustainable development issues, which is possibly the best in India.It is a not-for-profit public interest research ngo environment and advocacy organisation.It works as a think tank on environment-development issues in India, poor planning, climate shifts devastating India’s Sundarbans.

3. Clean Air Asia

This organisation too works for the likes of air pollution and its objective is to improve air quality and contribute to more livable and healthy cities. The focus will be on cities with high impact potential as well as the potential for leveraging wider change. It is aiming to work on the following:-

Be working with cities to implement concrete actions for measurable change.

Promote national and regional collaboration and learning to implement best practices and drive innovation.

Mobilize for change by communicating to and raise awareness of the public and key stakeholders including non-environment NGOs in relation to air quality.

4. Toxic link

These people help in creating awareness about toxins prevalent in the environment around us. According to them, they are a group of people working together for environmental justice and freedom from toxins. They have taken it upon themselves to collect and share information about the sources and dangers of poisons in our environment and bodies, as well as clean and sustainable alternatives for India and the rest of the world. They have Film Festivals, Mass media awareness and much more.

 5. Environics Trust

This ngo working for sustainable environment in india conducts participatory research on issues of environmental and human behaviour and uses these outcomes for innovative community development programmes. Environics provides research and evaluation services to International, National, State and Local Institutions and directly works with marginalized communities such as those in the mountain regions, tribal and communities adversely affected by mining and industrialization. 

6. Help Delhi Breathe

These environmental ngos in delhi have been trying to solve our air pollution crisis by ensuring that all Delhi citizens have proper information about this problem and how they can protect themselves. So they have been making people aware of the problems, solutions they can have for tackling air pollution by setting up different campaigns in Delhi and making people sign petitions to make people more aware of air pollution in specific and join hands with them in specific.

 7. Vasudha Foundation

It  is actively involved and engaged in the climate negotiations that take place under the aegis of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), it has recently been accredited as an Observer organization to the UNFCCC process at the 19th Conference of Parties held at Warsaw, Poland. The organization is also involved in following other multilateral forums such as the G-8, G-20, and the Green Climate Fund to name a few. Its main mission is to promote environment -friendly, socially just and sustainable models of energy by focusing on renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and lifestyle solutions.They believe in the conservation of Vasudha, which in Sanskrit means the Earth, the giver of wealth. They believe in the sustainable consumption of its bounties. And they believe in adopting green-ways for a good Earth.


8. Wildlife Institute of India

It is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate change, Government of India. It was founded in 1982.The institute is based in Dehradun, India. Its main Objective is to nurture the development of wildlife science and promote its application in conservation, in consonants with our cultural and socio-economic milieu. Its Key Functions include research in areas of study like Biodiversity, Endangered Species, Wildlife Policy, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Forensics, Spatial Modeling, Ecodevelopment, Habitat Ecology and Climate Change.WII has a research facility which includes Forensics, Remote Sensing and GIS, Laboratory, Herbarium, and an Electronic Library.


Keeping our planet healthy is a pressing matter. We are not doing it just for us, but also for the many generations of humans and animal species to come. Fortunately, a lot of great compassionate people and these Top NGO in India are working hard every day to help the cause of environmental protection.

Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman? Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S....