Showing posts with label Mobius Foundation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobius Foundation. Show all posts

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Mobius Foundation To Host the International Conference On Sustainability Education (ICSE), 2021

 The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE) is being organized on 9-10 September 2021, between 14:00 – 18:00 hrs, by Mobius Foundation in partnership with some of the key environmental organizations, Climate Reality Project, UNESCO, UNEP, Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE, Copenhagen), The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), Earth Day Network, IUCN, Earth Overshoot, WWF India, PFI, WTI, TERRE Policy Centre etc. The year 2021 marks the launch of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021 – 2030).

The first day of the ICSE 2021 will, therefore, focus on the theme ‘Education for Ecosystem Restoration.’ The deliberations of the 2nd day will be devoted to the theme of ‘Climate Literacy’, in view of the urgent need to create enlightened citizenry for concrete action on climate change. This is being organized in continuation to the ‘Climate Literacy Conclave for South Asia’, which was organized by Mobius Foundation with Climate Reality Project and Earth Day Network to mark the 51st anniversary of the Earth Day on 22nd April 2021.

The Conference will look at the innovations and trends on sustainability education in school system from across the globe. It’s an initiative to explore different path ways to sustainability education. Quality is missing in the current educations structure, and this is where ‘International Conference on Sustainability Education 2021’ will come into play; it will challenge the existing paradigms in education.

More than 1000+ participants from across the globe will take part in the online event, which will have various sessions on sustainable education. There will be 4 plenaries and 11 parallel technical sessions besides exhibition, poster sessions and e-resource centre. Almost over 70+ eminent experts will participate in the conference. Speakers like Mr. Rajendra Singh, Water Man of India and Ramon Magsaysay Award winner for community leadership in 2001, Padma Shri awardee Dr. Anil Prakash Joshi, who is the founder of Himalayan Environmental Studies and Conservation Organization (HESCO), Shri Atul Bagai Head, UN Environment Country Office, India, Mr. Tery Spahr, Founder and Director, Earth Overshoot, Mr. Kartikeya Sarabhai Founder and Director, Centre for Environment Education (CEE) and Karuna A Singh, Regional Director Asia, EARTHDAY.ORG, will address the event.

Below are the quotes by eminent dignitaries and speakers during the conference:

Mr. Pradip Burman, Chairman of Mobius Foundation hoped that this conference will be a path breaking event in Sustainability Education.

Ram Boojh, CEO, Mobius Foundation: “ICSE is a flagship initiative of Mobius Foundation conceptualised in partnership with some of the world’s leading environment and sustainability organizations, educators and leaders.”

Mr. Tery Spahr, Founder and Director, Earth Overshoot: “The problem is, we have run out of places to go and new areas to exploit. We have invaded every corner of the globe and we must recognize this fact, begin to contract voluntarily, and live within the means of one planet. We have to be massive cheerleaders for a better, safer, less-crowded and more sustainable world.”

Karuna Singh, Regional Director Asia, “In today’s world of unprecedented changes in climate and biodiversity, Climate Education provides a critical foundation on which to build climate literacy and stewardship for the environment from a young age. With this in mind we call upon governments across the globe to mandate compulsory, assessed climate and environmental education that motivates all to play a major role to help ‘Restore Our Earth.”

Shri Atul Bagai Head, UN Environment Country Office, India: “India has the largest youth population in the World. They are perhaps the most important stakeholder group and an important vehicle towards achieving the sustainable development goals as they are the innovators, creators, builders, and leaders of the future. But they can transform the future only if they have skills, good health and are empowered to make the right choices.”

ICSE is a platform that works as a bridge between educators and practioners. It tries to find out various methods to include sustainable education in the current education system.

About Mobius Foundation:

The Mobius Foundation is a non-profit organization promoting environmental sustainability through sustainable, relevant solutions that enable communities to break longstanding practices which are detrimental to human existence on Earth.

It spearheads various educational programs in India, which include setting up a residential green school in Karnataka and a day school in Uttar Pradesh. It also promotes population stabilization and ecological conservation through Project Aakar and Project Sanjeevani.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

First Ever Delhi based NGO talking on 'Population Control': Mobius Foundation in partnership with Zee Media Group

 NEW DELHI, July 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Mobius Foundation in partnership with WION is taking the vision of the Government of India forward, and launched a one-year-long social initiative called 'Mission Sustainability - Population v/s Planet'. The campaign commenced with a two-hour-long Thought Leadership Conclave on February 20, 2021. The launch was graced by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare and Amitabh Kanth, CEO, NITI AAYOG.

Expressing his satisfaction at the timely importance of holding the event, Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, "More people require more resources, and as the population increases, the earth's resources deplete. The population boom has been affecting the planet and the human race in many adverse ways. People in developing countries like India, feel the impact of environmental problems more acutely." - Quoted (

On this occasion, Amitabh Kanth, CEO, NITI AAYOG said, "'Family Planning' is considered the smartest development investment. For India to realise its sustainable development goals and economic aspirations, it is important to ensure that people have informed access to contraception and quality family planning services."

The launch had visionaries and dignitaries on board from across the country, and from different fields. Mr Rameshwar Prasad Gupta, Sec. Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Dr Madhavan Nair, Sec. Ministry of Earth Science India, Ms Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director, Population Foundation of India (PFI), Ms Shailaja Chandra, Former Secretary to the Government of India and Former Chief Secretary, Delhi, Mr Manu Gaur, President, Taxpayers Association of Bharat (TAXAB), Kartikeya Vikram Sarabhai, Founder and Director, CEE, Prof. Saroj Yadav Dean (Academic) NCERT, K.S. James, Director, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) were part of the launch.

The complete 2-hour launch was divided in two three robust segments, each setting up the contest of the year-long awareness programme. The three segments were:




To watch the launch, visit:

There was an exclusive one-on-one fireside chat with the Chairman of Mobius Foundation, Mr. Pradip Burmanwhere he mentioned that the "Mobius Foundation is focusing on two main objectives EDUCATION and POPULATION STABILISATION and emphasised that two solutions which can be implemented right away are RECYCLING and RENEWABLE ENERGY. If we can attain 100% of these two things, then our problem is solved."

Dr Ram Boojh, CEO, Mobius Foundation along with other panellists shed light on why we should focus on education and awareness around 'Population Stabilisation'. Points brought in focus were 'education leads to lower birth rates and slows population growth. This makes it easier for countries to develop. A more-educated workforce also makes poverty eradication and economic growth easier to achieve. The literacy rate is directly proportional to the fertility rate. Lack of formal education on matters related to population, like family planning, sexual education, reproductive behaviour, cultural and social values, and contraception is missing from the educational structure. This should not be a controversial subject, rather taken to the younger generation and young couples openly.

Mobius Foundation with this campaign is working to put the spotlight back on human population growth. Programme is titled "MISSION SUSTAINABILITY- POPULATION VS. PLANET" for English audience on WION Channel and "संभलना ज़रूरी है - जनसंख्या बनाम प्रकृति" for Hindi and regional audience on Zee News and it's regional network. Under this campaign, topics on how over population is responsible for exerting pressure in these areas or developing these issues are Climate Change, Bio Diversity and Natural Resources, Energy Crisis, Air Pollution, Jobs and Housing, Water Pollution, Depletion of Non-Renewable Resources, Education and Empowerment, Waste Generation, Education, Over Consumption Patterns etc. 

About the Mobius Foundation:

The Mobius Foundation is a non-profit organisation, committed to supporting sustainability, empowering technologies, strengthening systems, encouraging healthy behaviour and   focusing on education. The Foundation intends to create sustainable, culturally relevant   solutions, enabling communities to break longstanding practices that are detrimental to human existence. The Mobius Foundation has been working in India since 2015, collaborating with a diverse range of civil society partners and NGO partners to contribute to achieving a sustainable India.

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Mobius Foundation


Mobius Foundation

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Pradip Burman and Mobius Foundation Launch Asia’s First World Environmental School


Every day the climate is becoming hazardous due to the negligence of people towards nature and the perilous outcomes of traditional methods. Sustainable development will let the planet breathe and live peacefully forever. To spread the knowledge about sustainable practices among the younger generation, Mr Pradip Burman set up the World Environment School (WESc) in the hills of Coorg, Karnataka.

World Environment School launched by Mr Pradip Burman, is Asia’s first green school spread over 100 acres across the sensitive western ghats of Coorg. It is also the first school in South Asia that has taken a step ahead to encourage and deliver environmental education, with sustainability being the crux. The mission behind building this school is to inculcate strong ecological and moral values at a younger age and keep on spreading the importance to our future generations through the students of the school.

World Environment School is set up with the support of Whitgift School, a prominent British Educational Institute and a part of Whitgift Foundation, a charity based in Croydon, South London, England. It will start functioning in 2021 for students around the globe studying in grade 6 to 12. The school will board 950 people, out of which 550 will be students and the rest teaching and non-teaching staff. The school offers an international curriculum with affiliation from Cambridge Assessments and International Baccalaureate.

The school focuses on providing practical experiences to students, forming sustainable practices part of their lifestyle. Some of the impressive features of the school campus are as follows:

·         All the significant buildings will have south-facing slopes to maximise the usage of solar and wind energy.

·         Zero energy, zero waste and water independent campus.

·         5 artificial ponds to harvest rainwater.

·         Organic waste will be composed or utilised as animal feed.

·         Non-biodegradable waste will be sent to the recycling unit.

·         E-vehicles will be used inside the campus.

·         Total energy demand will be met by solar PV panels or wind energy.

·         The entire school campus will be 100% plastic-free.

The campus will set an example with its sustainable systems, construction, water and air quality, flora and fauna, weather dashboards and technology.

During the launch session of the World Environment School at the International Conference of Sustainability Education (ICSE) 2019, Mr Pradip Burman said, “The school will touch all the aspects of sustainability. We are also trying to make a special curriculum so that the students graduating from the school will be fully briefed about the sustainability issues and the consequences of not undertaking sustainable practices when they are grown up. It will turn the students into student leaders, making more leaders as they will pass on the knowledge to other students. They can also start movements which will force the people to protect the environment now rather than waiting till its destruction”.

World Environment School is an initiative through the Mobius Foundation, a Non-Profit Organization founded by Mr Pradip Burman that works towards environmental protection. The NGO entirely focuses on protecting the ecosystem by spreading awareness about the importance of adopting sustainable practices in our day to day life. They organise awareness programs that help encourage and educate the people to curb overpopulation, pollution and traditional methods harming the nourishment of the ecosystem.

With this initiative, Mr Pradip Burman has opened gates to an environmental school in India without walls, a campus that ignites the natural curiosity of children.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

'Mission Sustainability - Population vs Planet' India's population: 1.38 billion and counting How should India stabilise its population growth?

 This segment brings to you a discussion with Pradip Burman, Chairman of Best Ngo in India Mobius Foundation about the objectives & benefits of the project ‘Aakar’, established by Mobius Foundation, which runs several outreach programmes to counsel women and couples planning to start families. The foundation also organises a monthly Happy Family Day, or Khushal Pariwar Divas, to create awareness about sustainable population.

Read more on-

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

WION launches 'Mission Sustainability - Population v/s Planet'. Read on

WION, in partnership with Mobius Foundation, is taking the vision of the Government of India forward and launching a one-year-long social initiative called 'Mission Sustainability - Population v/s Planet'. The campaign commenced with a two-hour-long Thought Leadership Conclave on February 20, 2021. 

Technology has advanced in the last 100 years to give us television, satellites, space exploration, and instant communication through apps. But today, there is an urgency to take action, in the short and long term -- for the survival of civilisation as we know it. Although the general population is aware that the future looks bleak, the causes are not immediately apparent to the common person. But if we had to attribute the difficulty to a single cause, it is the explosion of population. The solution (mitigation), however, does not seem feasible.

Overpopulation is among the most pressing environmental issues, silently aggravating the forces behind global warming, environmental pollution, habitat loss, and consumption of finite natural resources at speeds faster than their rate of regeneration. Ecological issues are anyway just the beginning for many more problems and issues.

This conclave on WION seeks to trigger an informed and engaging debate around the dynamics of population and its bearing on economic growth and our resource-scarce planet. 

"Population explosion will cause many problems for our future generations. But there is a vigilant section of public that stops to think, before bringing a child to the world, whether they can do justice to the child, give them all that she or he wants. They have a small family and express their patriotism to the country. Let’s learn from them. There is need for social awareness.” - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, has been invited to grace the event as the chief guest and share his vision for population stabilisation and sustainable development of India. Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog will also join the event and address India's population policy and family planning programme. 

The conclave will feature policy experts, demographic researchers, and academicians discussing issues like 'Human Population Growth and Climate Change', 'Population Stabilisation: The roadmap for India' and 'The Effect of Educational Intervention on Family Planning'. The list of panellists includes notable names like Pradip Burman, Chairman, Mobius Foundation (best Ngo in India); Dr M Rajeevan, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences; Rameshwar Prasad Gupta, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change; Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director, PFI; Shailaja Chandra, Former Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Kartikeya Sarabhai, Director, CEE; and Professor KS James, Director, IIPS.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Pradip Burman talking about the Green features of Gyan Anant Vidyalaya

 "The chairman of Mobius Foundation discusses the focus on green building which incorporates environmental considerations into every stage of the building construction. He also mentions the contribution of the foundation in the establishment of Gyan Anant Vidyalaya as a green school with a platinum certification". 

Watch now-

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Mr. Pradip Burman in talk with Dr. Ram Boojh about ICSE India

 To keep up with the momentum of the 1st ICSE, Mobius Foundation along with their partners organized the 2nd version of ICSE India on 9th and 10th of Sep 2020 virtually due to the pandemic.


Mr Pradip Burman in conversation with Dr. Ram Boojh (CEO of Mobius Foundation) about the 1st anniversary of this landmark event, which took place through a two days webinar focusing on Sustainable Education as the new normal and it’s importance for youth. 

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gyan Anant Vidyalaya Atrauli to be the First Environmental School in Uttar Pradesh

 There are many schools in urban areas to educate children, but rural India lacks this basic infrastructure. Mobius Foundation has stepped in to bridge this gap. The foundation is going to open Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV) in Atrauli village of Ghaziabad district. Environmental education will be the primary focus during academic sessions. Initially, the school will have classes till 7th standard. From the next academic year, the school will offer education till 12th standard.

The Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV) will have all the facilities of an urban school, fulfilling the aspirations of the rural youth. The school will work with a different approach and the focus would be on the all-round development of children. The school would create sensitivity among students towards the environment. It believes in the fact that all children have different talents and abilities, which can be nurtured for a greater benefit to society.

Talking about the school Pradip Burman, Chairman-Mobius Foundation, said, "The school aims to create a sense of responsibility among its students towards the environment. The school would impart moral values in students. It will be the first kind of institution teaching students an array of subjects including moral and environmental education. Sustainable education will be encouraged through this approach."

He further said that every person should try to conserve nature. Gyan Anant Vidyalaya will play a big role in environmental conservation as it will make children aware of the conservation of nature and natural resources. It will bring change in the thinking of society towards the environment.

About Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV):

The enrollment process has already started in this school with an intake capacity of 1800 students. Classes will start in the school from the next session. Besides study, the school will also focus on extra and co-curricular activities such as competitive activity, school trips, music bands, sports (indoor and outdoor), literary activity, social service, acting, drama, etc. The school will have a team of experienced teachers who will impart skills and knowledge in students.

Eco-friendly campus based on sustainability

The building has direct natural sunlight and cross ventilation at the entrance, windows and rooms are kept airy. Solar power energy is used in the school throughout the day to keep an environment friendly campus.

Salient Feature:

  • Excellent infrastructure, stress free environment, child friendly curriculum.
  • Multiple Indoor & Outdoor sports facility which students can practice during the year.
  • Amphitheatre & Outdoor stage
  • Study & learning zone.
  • After school academy for sports.
  • Computer Lab with Internet facility
  • Well-equipped and spacious science labs
  • Smart classes.
  • CCTV surveillance
  • Student Teacher Ration 25:1

For more details visit:

SOURCE:-  Pr News Wire

Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman? Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S....