Monday, May 10, 2021

Sustainability Development - The talk with Pradip Burman

 Sustainability development is conserving natural resources in the present to fulfil people’s needs without compromising the needs of future generations. It is crucial to protect our planet and win battles against overpopulation, climate change, pollution, global warming, etc. Pandemic has been a major obstacle to sustainable development goals. However, leaders like Pradip Burman are making valuable efforts to curb such issues.

Mr Pradip Burman, chairman of Dabur, Nepal and a board member of Aviva Life Insurance, is an influential leader, sworn environmentalist and a crusader of sustainability. He has been the director of FMCG major Dabur India, his ancestral company, and founded Ayurvet, producing herbal products for animals. Being around social leaders and philanthropists all his life, he has imbibed a keen interest in environmental protection and is currently working for various social causes.

According to Mr Pradip Burman, climate change and air pollution are the most significant sustainability challenges today. Due to rising levels of air pollution, the children are suffering from diseases like asthma and other lung ailments. Air pollution is also the main reason behind global warming and climate change. It is, however, linked to population because the more the population, the greater will be the amount of gases. It is a step-down effect that carries on and on.

The population is at an all-time high, and due to advancement in the medical field, the life expectancy rate has improved. In a way, it’s good news, but it does put pressure on the planet. Stating which he provides two solutions to this problem, i.e. recycling and using renewable energy. He says, “We have to recycle everything, and we have to use 100% resources that come from renewable energy.”

He explains that if we continue to live like this, the next generation will not survive. Today people are lacking clean drinking water and are breathless due to highly polluted air. Plus, the energy consumed is from non-renewable sources, and there are no proper waste management techniques. Soon there will be no energy to use, and a pyre of waste will be gathered around us. The only solution to such problems is adopting sustainable practices in our lifestyle.

In 2015, 119 countries came together to sign The Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty to address climate change and its impacts. Each country has been given a sustainable development goal in which India has been given a target of 227 gigawatts of renewable energy. It was divided into solar energy, wind energy, and biomass energy. According to Mr Pradip Burman, India is well on its way to reaching that target.

He further says that he has dedicated the rest of his life to revive the planet in all the ways he could. So in 2015, he founded Mobius Foundation, Best NGO in Delhi, focus solely on conserving the ecosystem through spreading awareness about adopting sustainable practices. The 3 main initiatives by Mobius Foundation are:

  1. Project Akar: Overpopulation impacts practically sustainability and every other aspect of the planet. Therefore it works for stabilising the population through spreading awareness about family planning and the advantages of using contraceptives.

2. World Environment School (WESc): Spread over 100 acres of hills in Coorg, WESc is a green school built upon sustainability guidelines. Here, students will gain practical experience in sustainability issues.

3. Gyan Anant Vidyalay (GAV): It is a school set up in backward rural areas of India to bring awareness about the sustainable environment and the consequences of resource extinction in the next generation.

Sustainable development is not a one-man show, but we as a nation should come forward and successfully implement it. Explaining this, Mr Pradip Burman says, “We are at war to save this planet, and we have lost a battle. We must win this war by acting in unison for the survival of future generations.”

10 Best NGOs In Delhi Providing Volunteering Opportunities

NGOs are a boon to society, for they provide selfless services for the betterment of the lives around us. When a concerned authority fails to perform a social emergency, these NGOs execute them with their kindness and empathy.

Looking for an NGO in Delhi providing volunteering opportunities? Find below a list of the 10 best NGOs in Delhi where you can volunteer.

1. Mobius Foundation

Established in 2015, Mobius Foundation is a best environment ngo in india encouraging communities to undertake sustainable solutions instead of the traditional practices that harm the lives on mother earth. They pay emphasis on renewing, re-using and replacing the restricted resources of our planet. During the covid situation, they have supplied essential items to needy families and covid frontiers in Karnataka. You can donate or apply for volunteering opportunities through their website.

2. Robin Hood Army

Robin Hood Army is the best volunteer-based NGO working towards alleviating hunger from India. They take excess food from the local restaurants, and other places and provide them to the underprivileged people. Started with a couple of volunteers, they now have an army of 58000+ volunteers nationwide and have served over 32.4 million people as of 2020. A volunteer can choose to work for 3 hours per week or on weekends.

3. Teach For India

Founded in 2009, Teach For India is a movement to provide excellent education to every child who doesn’t have accessibility. Volunteers who can teach the kids can connect with them. Along with bringing equality in education, a sense of empathy and kindness instils into volunteers. They are currently offering a two-year Fellowship and Alumni movement for their volunteers.

4. HelpAge India

HelpAge India is a leading NGO in India for the elderly, established in 1978. They help disadvantaged elderly by assisting them with pension programmes, healthcare facilities and their rights against abuse and exploitation. Help them by donating a minimum amount of Rs. 500. For volunteering opportunities, contact them through their website.

5. Child Rights And You (CRY)

CRY is a renowned and most trusted NGO in India, working for the last 42 years. Their mission is to create a happy and healthy environment for children by providing them with proper education, healthy nutrition and safety from exploitation. In 2019–20, they made an impact on 680000+ children. You can donate or volunteer with them to create a better future for our budding tiny ones.

6. Goonj

Goonj is a non-profit organisation working towards alleviating poverty and amplifying the dignity of the poor in society. They take disposed materials and upcycle them into products used for the development of underprivileged people. Volunteers can help them in their work for a short period or intern with them for longer durations.

7. Greenpeace India

Greenpeace is located in 55 countries globally and has branches in India. They aim to create a sustainable environment and ensure the ability of mother earth to nurture lives. Greenpeace India has run campaigns to clear air pollution in New Delhi and other cities. Contact them through their website to volunteer in their initiatives that help in creating a sustainable future.

8. Katha

Since 1988, Katha aims to build the reading capabilities of poor children by providing them with quality education. They run several programmes like Katha English Academy, Katha Lab School, Katha’s Slum Resurgence Initiative, etc., for children to receive holistic learning. Fill in the ‘Katha Volunteer Form’ from their website to volunteer with them.

9. Friendicoes

Friendicoes is an animal shelter taking care of about 200 injured or abandoned animals at a time. They always look for people who can volunteer. Volunteers need to visit the shelter home and take care of the pets like feeding, walking, grooming, training or offering them medical assistance. Other admin works include fundraising and adoption drives.

10. Smile Foundation

Smile Foundation, founded in 2002, is one of the best NGOs in India that promotes education to the underprivileged. They provide assistance to women and children with quality education, livelihood, health care, empowerment and resources they can’t afford. You can apply to join their team or volunteer with them through their website.

Want to volunteer with us? Head to our website and contact us for any queries.


Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman? Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S....