Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman?

Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S.K Burman, the founder of India’s largest ayurvedic company - Dabur


Mr Pradip Burman is a graduate in B Sc. Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Today, he is the founder of Mobius Foundation, a non-governmental organization that works towards sustainable development and reaching sustainable development goals in India. 


He is a crusader of sustainability. He often talks about sustainable development and solutions that have a positive impact on the environment. He sheds light on the massive harms caused by humans in the name of development, destroying planetary health.  


He has also founded a company- AGES (Alternative Green Energy Solution), which focuses on providing Hydroponic Green Feed to contribute towards sustainable energy throughout the year.


‘’If we do not switch to renewable, cleaner sources of energy and implement more sustainable methods of development, the next generation will not survive,” says Mr Pradip Burman. Waste management, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, pollution, and renewable energy are topics that interest Mr Pradip Burman


According to him, consistent changes in climate and air pollution are the top concerns that challenge the nourishment of the ecosystem. Due to rising levels of pollution, humanity is suffering from diseases like asthma and various lung ailments. 

Air pollution is creating a massive expansion of global warming and climate change. However, everything boils down to overpopulation as the greater the consumption of non-renewable resources, the more the pollution. This step-down effect carries on and on.


“No other species on the planet has caused as much of a negative impact on the environment, as compared to us Humans, due to unsustainable consumption and the use of non-renewable energy”, says Mr Pradip Burman. He also talks about how the planet has relied on primitive, limited sources of energy that could soon get exhausted, threatening the survival of the human species. 


He also talks about the increased frequency of natural disasters, such as cyclones and floods, resulting from unsustainable ways implemented by governments and corporations all across the globe. The coming generations will not survive if we will not change our lifestyles. 


Today our children suffer from breathing problems due to low air quality. The excess consumption of non-renewable energy should be avoided. Not implementing any waste management techniques will lead to a pyre of waste. Implementing a sustainable lifestyle in our daily life is the only solution in the end.


Mr Pradip Burman has launched an all-India Campaign – Mission Sustainability to promote, create awareness, and educate the people of India about the condition of the planet and promote sustainable development across the country. 


‘’Unless the corporations and the governments across the globe don’t take action and try to promote sustainable development and green sources of energy, there is no hope left,” says Mr Pradip Burman. He also says that all hope is not lost yet, as there is still time to revert the changes caused by us or slow down the effects of climate change from impacting the human population.


Mr Pradip Burman has dedicated the rest of his life to restore the planet for future generations as long as possible. According to him, ‘“Education being the most powerful weapon and environment being the most essential element for sustenance, it is very critical that we all share a common vision to be tomorrow ready for a bright future.”


Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman? Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S....