Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Karnataka ranked sixth in UN sustainable development

 Green champion and social change-maker, Pradip Burman’s views on this…

Karnataka is the frontrunner in achieving clean water & sanitation, life on land, peace and justice with a Sustainable Development Goals score of 66.

Ranked 6th in the country in the SDG category set by the United Nations Organisation.

According to the recent news Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa, who released the Strategies and Action Plan 2030 encouraged the officials “to strive to do better in meeting the SDGs set by UNO.” Mr Pradip Burman view the plan has been designed very innovatively, however the performance of plan implementation can be managed more effectively.

The state has achieved a 52 on a scale of 100 for poverty- below the national average. The state also scored a 54, slightly above the national average of 48 in ‘Zero Hunger’ goal. The report suggested a low productivity in agriculture.

The action plan has given us an effective roadmap that other metropolitan and even non-metropolitan cities can follow up with. The living conditions of all people, foster a cleaner environment, ensure better health, good education and provide nutritional food.

Chief secretary, T M Vijay Bhaskar said that this operation involved separate committees consisting of senior officials on achieving the 17 UN-designated SDGs suggested by the NITI Aayog. “Karnataka had secured 66 points to achieve the sixth rank as per the SDG India Index 2919 released by the NITI Aayog. Efforts are being made to improve the performance in the areas where the state’s achievement was below par.”

I believe it is this sort of effort and consistency that is required to elevate our country and achieve at least some level of success in SDG development. This is something that is highly required. Only then can we expect significant amount of change and progress.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Why do I need Property Insurance and Home Insurance in Canada?

 Are you someone who is living in Canada? If yes, you have to have property insurance and home insurance as soon as possible. But if you still don’t know what home insurance and property insurance is, then I have got you covered.

Before knowing the importance of home insurance and property insurance, we need to know the definition of these words. Home insurance is a type of policy that covers all the damages and losses to an individual’s house and its contents. On the other hand, Property Insurance is a policy that will help you to face damages, including fire damage, earthquake damage, boiler damage, etc.

  1. Property Insurance: Before buying a land property in Canada, you want to be sure about that place you are buying. Some of the reasons to purchase property insurance in Canada are listed below.

· Loss of property — Today, there are more than 1000 possible ways which can damage your property. Damage due to windstorms, explosions, and water damage will be covered by property insurance. For example — due to a flood, if your property was damaged, it will be the responsibility of property insurance.

· General Liability coverage — Liability coverage is helpful if someone is injured on your property because of you, and you are legally responsible for their damage. For example — if your house is burnt or fire in your house affects the unit of the neighbourhood. This damage will be covered by General Liability insurance.

· Compensates damage or loss of property — Property insurance compensates for any loss or damage or property loss. It applies only if the loss is sudden and is not because of your mistake.

2. Home insurance — Home insurance helps to protect your home and its contents due to theft, loss, and damage to your home. There are some additional benefits you will be given if you have home insurance in Canada. Some of the reasons to buy home insurance in Canada are listed below.

· Protection of home — When you buy home insurance in Canada, you protect yourself from all the expenses you need to compensate for the damage after a misshapen like a hurricane, fire, flood, earthquake, etc.

· Protection of your personal belongings — When you buy home insurance in Canada, it protects you from damage or loss to your personal belongings like electronic items, furniture, and appliances in case of theft, fire, and any natural disasters. For example, if your home belongings are affected by any natural disaster, they will be taken care of by home insurance.

· Living cost coverage — It helps if your home is damaged due to natural or man-made disasters and your home is no longer a place where you can live. Home insurance ensures to cover all your extra expenses. For example, when your home caught fire due to inadequate reasons and you have to shift to a lodge, the insurance companies will handle hotel expenses.

That’s all. Now you know everything about the property and home insurance. However, it is always advisable to buy insurance policies from the trusted insurance companies in Canada like Ches Special Risk.

Established in 2004, Ches Special Risk is the best insurance solution provider in Canada. With their extensive knowledge in the insurance sector, they help retail brokers identify unique risks associated with their personal and professional life. Their experienced agents help provide solutions regarding any risk exposure. To know more about their insurance policies, visit their website here.

Mission Sustainability: Population Vs Planet- Mobius foundation

 Mission Sustainability – Population v/s Planet’ is a social cause initiative on WION in partnership with the Mobius Foundation. The thought leadership conclave seeks to trigger an informed and engaging debate around the dynamics of population and its bearing on and our resource-scarce planet.

The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of the world. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. So for us the World is truly One.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

 Pradip Burman is the chairman of Dabur, Nepal, an influential leader, sworn environmentalist and a crusader of sustainability. He has been a great observant all his life and has adapted a keen interest in protecting the environment through his NGO, Mobius Foundation.

The traditional practices are ruining the environment. Thus to protect it, Mr Pradip Burman encourages people to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives. According to him, the top 3 small changes people should make in their daily life to save the environment are as follows:
  1. To reduce the use of single-use plastics
According to Mr Pradip Burman, there was this ever-existing pandemic before the covid-19 outbreak. It is environmental pollution due to plastic.

Plastics are used in our everyday life for various purposes in the form of packets, carry bags, bottles, containers, covers and many more. Most of these plastics are single-use and are thrown away right after their usage. These single-use plastics travel to various water bodies and landscapes and pollute these areas. The soil loses its quality, the water is filled with garbage, and there is no place for the plants and animals to breathe. This entire process disturbs the ecosystem.

To avoid this, Mr Pradip Burman encourages people to replace single-use plastics with reusable products like cloth bags, metal containers, reusable plastic bottles, paper packets, etc. These products should be adopted in our lifestyle to make it a habit to save the environment.
2. To be more responsible towards the environment.
When humanity was suffering from the Covid-19 outbreak, the environment was healing, the species returned to their natural habitat, the water bodies were getting cleaned, and the skies were clear even through our balconies. Mr Pradip Burman guided people to reflect on these changes happening in our surroundings and the reasons behind them.

Human bodies are resistant to disease when it is fit and taken care of properly. Similarly, the environment becomes immune to climate change and other effects when not exposed to pollution. This shows that the state of the environment is directly connected with us.

The pandemic has shown this positive side to humans. Such positivity helps us fight any crisis. Imagining our relationship with nature, it is our responsibility to take necessary precautions to save the environment.
3. To have family planning.
Overpopulation is one of the top concerns in the rise of climate change. Some of the cities in India don't have space to breathe due to the high population and their toxic habits. The roads are covered with vehicles emitting gases, there is no proper dumping ground, plastic waste is increasing, and thus carbon footprint is at an all-time high.

Mr Pradip Burman saw this concern and encouraged people to take preventive measures to curb overpopulation. He started the initiative 'Project Akar' to spread awareness about family planning and its various benefits to the environment. This initiative educates newly married couples and unmarried youngsters in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh about using contraceptives.

Mother nature is our first home. It has already been harmed enough by humans. To let it heal, adopt these practices by Mr Pradip Burman to save the planet from destroying completely.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Top 10 NGOs In Delhi That Working for Environment Protection

 Environment concerns in 2021 have only risen, and it is badly affecting climate. To curb such issues, environmental NGOs are undertaking selfless activities to protect our planet. The top 10 environmental NGOs in Delhi are as follows:

  1. Mobius Foundation

Mobius Foundation is one of the best NGOs in Delhi that organizes campaigns promoting sustainability and environment protection. Their awareness programs encourage sustainable practices like renew, re-use and replace non-renewable resources. They want to eradicate overpopulation and educate younger generations about the importance of sustainable practices through introducing green schools. 

  1. Help Delhi Breathe

Help Delhi Breathe is the top NGO in Delhi to reduce air pollution and improve air quality. These initiatives will let the residents breathe fresh air and reduce diseases like asthma and lung ailments. To overcome air pollution, HDB organizes campaigns to educate people about the consequences and the necessities.

  1. Delhi Greens

Delhi Greens is the best home-grown environmental NGO in India that aims to preserve natural resources. They spread the values of environmentalism and its benefits for future generations. They focus on educating the residents of Delhi about sustainable development and climate change. 

  1. Being Green

Based in New Delhi, Being Green is a well known NGO in Delhi that focuses on living sustainably through efficient habits in a Green Society. People interested in volunteering can contact them as they are always looking for participation from environmental enthusiasts who can bring change to society.

  1. Clear Air Asia

This NGO works in cities that are highly air polluted and need immediate action to survive. One such city is Delhi. They have been incorporated in Delhi to bring change by raising awareness about collaboration and unity among organizations in sustaining the planet.

  1. Chintan

Spreading the values of knowledge, action and activism, Chintan is an NGO working for environment protection in India. They work towards reducing air pollution, recycling, waste management, and making the world a better place to live. Recently Chintan has introduced an initiative to educate waste pickers about waste management.

  1. Toxics Link

Toxics Link is one of the top environmental NGOs in Delhi that works towards a toxic-free environment. Toxins such as lead, chemicals, paints, mercury, pesticides, medical waste, plastic, etc., are harmful to the nourishment of the environment. Their programs aim at eliminating these toxins from the environment.

  1. Environics Trust

This NGO focuses on researching the problems related to the environment and human behaviour. These researches are later used in building innovative community development campaigns. Environics also offers these research services to local, state, national and international institutions and works with communities affected by industrialization and mining.

  1. Swechha 

Swechha is a youth-led NGO working for environmental protection in India. Their mission is to create awareness campaigns and spread the value of 'be the change' for the environment among the citizens. They also focus on eradicating water and air pollution through sustainable practices. Anyone can volunteer in their programs.

  1. SankalpTaru Foundation

SankalpTaru Foundation is a leading NGO in Delhi, solely focusing on planting trees and spreading greenery in metropolitan cities like Delhi and Bangalore. But they encourage people to plant trees in their vicinity, and once it's done, the volunteers can contact them for the certificate of appreciation.


Friday, June 18, 2021

Top 5 Best NGOs In Delhi Working Towards Environment Protection

NGOs have evolved and strengthened over the last two decades with their kind efforts. However, a few of them have created a beneficial impact in protecting our planet through their awareness programs and other initiatives. Here is a list of the top 5 best NGOs in Delhi working every day to protect our environment.

1.   Mobius Foundation

Mobius foundation is among the best NGOs in Delhi that works towards environmental issues and sustainable development. They encourage residents and businesses to adopt sustainable practices over traditional habits by renewing, re-using and replacing the limited resources of nature.


Their initiatives focus mainly on eradicating overpopulation and educating people about the importance of sustainable practices through green schools and awareness campaigns. During the pandemic, they have also raised covid relief fund to provide essential items to covid frontiers and lower-income groups in the rural areas of Karnataka.

2.           Swechha 

Based in New Delhi, Swechha is a youth-led NGO working towards the betterment of the environment. They aim to educate people to ‘be the change’ by making a valuable difference towards the environment. They also raise voices against humans’ day to day habits that cause water and air pollution in urban areas. 


Their recent events focused on sustainable practices for a low carbon future, upcycling, ways to lower air pollution, managing kitchen waste, etc. People interested in giving back to nature can associate with them as they are 24*7 looking for young and kind individuals who can help create a change in society.

3.           Chintan

Chintan is a non-profit organization that works towards protecting the environment with knowledge, action and activism. They focus majorly on waste management, combating air pollution, recycling, and making Delhi a sustainable city. It is currently the top environmental NGO in Delhi.


Recently Times of India had a talk with Chitra Mukherjee, head for advocacy and policy at Chintan, regarding the apathy of Delhi residents towards waste pickers during such worrying times. Therefore Chintan has started undertaking awareness campaigns for waste pickers wherein they are taught about waste segregating and management techniques.

4.           Toxics Link

Toxics Link is one of the best environmental NGOs in Delhi that works with a mission to free the environment from toxins. Toxins like chemicals, lead paints, POPs, pesticides, mercury, bio-medical waste, electronic waste, plastic, etc., harm the health of both human and nature. They have set up specific campaigns to put an end to all these toxins. 


Since the coronavirus outbreak, they have also started covid relief work wherein they provide hygiene kits like sanitizer, masks, soap, gloves and food to vulnerable groups. They are also educating these people about the safety measures they must undertake for protection against the virus.

5.           Delhi Greens

Founded in 2007, Delhi Greens is a home-grown environmental NGO in Delhi that promotes the conservation of nature and natural resources. Their mission is to teach the public and invite them to participate in sustainable development. With this mission, they want to spread the message of environmentalism and a green economy at a global level.


In 2010, their web-based publication ‘Delhi Green Blog (DGB)’ was started by one of the founders to protest against the heritage tree felling in Delhi. After a vast outreach and student protest, it is later considered the first Green Media Network initiative in India.

Environmental NGOs work selflessly even during such worrying times only to protect our planet and future generations. Join hands with them and make a difference.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Climate Change Documentary | Mission Sustainability: Population VS Planet | Teaser

Pradip Burman Climate Change documentary on the impact of rising population on our planet. 

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Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman? Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S....