Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman?

Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S.K Burman, the founder of India’s largest ayurvedic company - Dabur


Mr Pradip Burman is a graduate in B Sc. Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Today, he is the founder of Mobius Foundation, a non-governmental organization that works towards sustainable development and reaching sustainable development goals in India. 


He is a crusader of sustainability. He often talks about sustainable development and solutions that have a positive impact on the environment. He sheds light on the massive harms caused by humans in the name of development, destroying planetary health.  


He has also founded a company- AGES (Alternative Green Energy Solution), which focuses on providing Hydroponic Green Feed to contribute towards sustainable energy throughout the year.


‘’If we do not switch to renewable, cleaner sources of energy and implement more sustainable methods of development, the next generation will not survive,” says Mr Pradip Burman. Waste management, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, pollution, and renewable energy are topics that interest Mr Pradip Burman


According to him, consistent changes in climate and air pollution are the top concerns that challenge the nourishment of the ecosystem. Due to rising levels of pollution, humanity is suffering from diseases like asthma and various lung ailments. 

Air pollution is creating a massive expansion of global warming and climate change. However, everything boils down to overpopulation as the greater the consumption of non-renewable resources, the more the pollution. This step-down effect carries on and on.


“No other species on the planet has caused as much of a negative impact on the environment, as compared to us Humans, due to unsustainable consumption and the use of non-renewable energy”, says Mr Pradip Burman. He also talks about how the planet has relied on primitive, limited sources of energy that could soon get exhausted, threatening the survival of the human species. 


He also talks about the increased frequency of natural disasters, such as cyclones and floods, resulting from unsustainable ways implemented by governments and corporations all across the globe. The coming generations will not survive if we will not change our lifestyles. 


Today our children suffer from breathing problems due to low air quality. The excess consumption of non-renewable energy should be avoided. Not implementing any waste management techniques will lead to a pyre of waste. Implementing a sustainable lifestyle in our daily life is the only solution in the end.


Mr Pradip Burman has launched an all-India Campaign – Mission Sustainability to promote, create awareness, and educate the people of India about the condition of the planet and promote sustainable development across the country. 


‘’Unless the corporations and the governments across the globe don’t take action and try to promote sustainable development and green sources of energy, there is no hope left,” says Mr Pradip Burman. He also says that all hope is not lost yet, as there is still time to revert the changes caused by us or slow down the effects of climate change from impacting the human population.


Mr Pradip Burman has dedicated the rest of his life to restore the planet for future generations as long as possible. According to him, ‘“Education being the most powerful weapon and environment being the most essential element for sustenance, it is very critical that we all share a common vision to be tomorrow ready for a bright future.”


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Top 10 NGOs In India Are Making A Difference

 It is difficult to know the exact number of NGOs in the nation. However, according to a report by the government, there are at least 31 lakh NGOs, which are operated in the country. There are a plethora of volunteers working towards maintaining social equality through education, disaster relief, healthcare rights and so on. Social service does not just empower the people, but it also builds values in our culture, and we at Mobius Foundation are proud to be a part of this circle.

Here are some of the most successful stories of the Best NGOs in India that are putting effort & forth outstanding work in establishing equal opportunity to empower people.

1. Child Rights and You (CRY)

Rippan Kapur found CRY in 1979 with six of his friends, having fifty rupees, which was lying at his mother’s dining table. They had a dream to witness a day when every single child in India would enjoy his or her rights, such as protection, survival, and development. 

Rippan was a young airline purser, hated seeing children work as servants. Being part of his school’s social service club, he helped street children with reading & writing. His motto was ‘What I can do, I must do.’

Today, CRY is among the top 100 non-profit organisations making a difference around the globe through its several projects.

2. Mobius Foundatiion

Mobius Foundation, a non-profit organisation, founded by Mr Pradip Burman, are contributing bit to promote environmental sustainability through sustainable methods that enable us to break unsustainable practices. These non-viable practices, such as overconsumption of energy & natural resources, deforestation, and sharp population, are harming the environment.

Our initiatives elevate ecological conservation through Project Sanjeevani & population stabilization. It also encourages people to reduce energy usage & nature resources through green education to lessen the carbon footprint. 

3. Give India

Give India falls under the Top NGO in India. It provides a platform for people who wish to support a noble cause. Give India allows individuals to support its cause while ensuring that whatever amount they transfer gets transparency & credibility for their donation. It is the largest & one of the most trustworthy NGOs in India.

4. Nanhi Kali

Nanhi Kali is an NGO founded in 1996 by Anand Mahindra, jointly managed by Naandi Foundation and KC Mahindra Education Trust, which is part of the Mahindra Group’s corporate social responsibilities. It supports education for underprivileged girls in India.

It offers education to girls and women to influence India in the long run positively by helping them to be aware of their rights.

5. Goonj

Goonj is another non-governmental organisation in Delhi, India. It performs different activities such as disaster relief, humanitarian aid & community development in parts of 23 states of India. Anshu Gupta founded Goonj in 1999. He received the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2015 for his work.

The Schwab Foundation, a World Economic Forum named Anshu Gupta, India’s Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012.

6. Smile Foundation

Young corporate professionals founded Smile Foundation in 2002, inspired by the philosophy of Peter Senge, the founder of the Society for Organisational Learning.

They began working from scratch to bring a difference in the lives of underprivileged families. Because the urban slum dwellers lack the education to be aware of diseases & healthcare. They do not visit the hospitals for checkups out of risking a day’s wages. Smile Foundation has a two-fold approach to tackle this problem. They worked hard to bring quality healthcare services with easy access to the needy. The second step they took was to promote healthcare awareness & encourage the poor to seek help. With their work & over 200 projects on social causes across 25 states, Smile could reach 6 lakhs, children & families, across 950 villages & slums in India.

7. HelpAge India

HelpAge India is an Indian non-profit organization focused on the concerns of elders. Cecil Jackson-Cole found it in 1978 with a mission to work for the cause and care of under-aged and elderly people, & improve their living standards. HelpAge is taking action against pension, healthcare, elder abuse at the national, state and social levels with the central & state governments & advocates for the needy. It aims to serve disadvantaged elders to lead an active and healthy life.

8. Uday Foundation

This organisation has a unique and heart-touching story behind its establishment. Tulika and Rahul Verma had welcomed their second baby, Arjunuday, in 2006. He was born with multiple congenital defects & after nine surgeries; he turned into a normal boy, but with the need of an artificial mechanism for his bowel movements. This led Rahul Verma to establish Uday Foundation to support children who are suffering from congenital disorders & other syndromes.

The foundation also researches new technologies in the healthcare sector to treat those children having congenital diseases. They have other various projects for common people and children to treat. It also has several programs for raising donations for food, blankets and so on.

9. CARE India

CARE India is a non-profit organisation. It has been working for 68 years, focusing on reducing social injustice and poverty. It also empowers women and girls from marginalised communities & improves their living conditions. The organization reached 31.5 million people through 43 projects in 14 states, covering over 90 districts. It is a part of CARE International Confederation, which operates in 95 countries globally, where people live with dignity & safety.

10. LEPRA Society

LEPRA Society aims to promote quality healthcare by providing medical help to marginalized women, children and slum dwellers. They try to bring a positive change into the lives of poor people by giving them the confidence to live a dignified life. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Mobius Foundation To Host the International Conference On Sustainability Education (ICSE), 2021

 The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE) is being organized on 9-10 September 2021, between 14:00 – 18:00 hrs, by Mobius Foundation in partnership with some of the key environmental organizations, Climate Reality Project, UNESCO, UNEP, Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE, Copenhagen), The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), Earth Day Network, IUCN, Earth Overshoot, WWF India, PFI, WTI, TERRE Policy Centre etc. The year 2021 marks the launch of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021 – 2030).

The first day of the ICSE 2021 will, therefore, focus on the theme ‘Education for Ecosystem Restoration.’ The deliberations of the 2nd day will be devoted to the theme of ‘Climate Literacy’, in view of the urgent need to create enlightened citizenry for concrete action on climate change. This is being organized in continuation to the ‘Climate Literacy Conclave for South Asia’, which was organized by Mobius Foundation with Climate Reality Project and Earth Day Network to mark the 51st anniversary of the Earth Day on 22nd April 2021.

The Conference will look at the innovations and trends on sustainability education in school system from across the globe. It’s an initiative to explore different path ways to sustainability education. Quality is missing in the current educations structure, and this is where ‘International Conference on Sustainability Education 2021’ will come into play; it will challenge the existing paradigms in education.

More than 1000+ participants from across the globe will take part in the online event, which will have various sessions on sustainable education. There will be 4 plenaries and 11 parallel technical sessions besides exhibition, poster sessions and e-resource centre. Almost over 70+ eminent experts will participate in the conference. Speakers like Mr. Rajendra Singh, Water Man of India and Ramon Magsaysay Award winner for community leadership in 2001, Padma Shri awardee Dr. Anil Prakash Joshi, who is the founder of Himalayan Environmental Studies and Conservation Organization (HESCO), Shri Atul Bagai Head, UN Environment Country Office, India, Mr. Tery Spahr, Founder and Director, Earth Overshoot, Mr. Kartikeya Sarabhai Founder and Director, Centre for Environment Education (CEE) and Karuna A Singh, Regional Director Asia, EARTHDAY.ORG, will address the event.

Below are the quotes by eminent dignitaries and speakers during the conference:

Mr. Pradip Burman, Chairman of Mobius Foundation hoped that this conference will be a path breaking event in Sustainability Education.

Ram Boojh, CEO, Mobius Foundation: “ICSE is a flagship initiative of Mobius Foundation conceptualised in partnership with some of the world’s leading environment and sustainability organizations, educators and leaders.”

Mr. Tery Spahr, Founder and Director, Earth Overshoot: “The problem is, we have run out of places to go and new areas to exploit. We have invaded every corner of the globe and we must recognize this fact, begin to contract voluntarily, and live within the means of one planet. We have to be massive cheerleaders for a better, safer, less-crowded and more sustainable world.”

Karuna Singh, Regional Director Asia, “In today’s world of unprecedented changes in climate and biodiversity, Climate Education provides a critical foundation on which to build climate literacy and stewardship for the environment from a young age. With this in mind we call upon governments across the globe to mandate compulsory, assessed climate and environmental education that motivates all to play a major role to help ‘Restore Our Earth.”

Shri Atul Bagai Head, UN Environment Country Office, India: “India has the largest youth population in the World. They are perhaps the most important stakeholder group and an important vehicle towards achieving the sustainable development goals as they are the innovators, creators, builders, and leaders of the future. But they can transform the future only if they have skills, good health and are empowered to make the right choices.”

ICSE is a platform that works as a bridge between educators and practioners. It tries to find out various methods to include sustainable education in the current education system.

About Mobius Foundation:

The Mobius Foundation is a non-profit organization promoting environmental sustainability through sustainable, relevant solutions that enable communities to break longstanding practices which are detrimental to human existence on Earth.

It spearheads various educational programs in India, which include setting up a residential green school in Karnataka and a day school in Uttar Pradesh. It also promotes population stabilization and ecological conservation through Project Aakar and Project Sanjeevani.


Friday, August 27, 2021

Top 5 Sustainable Development NGOs in Delhi

 Today, we deal with various environmental problems like climate change, global warming, rising temperatures, air and water pollution, ecological degradation, resource depletion, and many more. These problems have arisen because of the ever-growing population and human ignorance. But sustainable development NGOs are making selfless efforts to reduce these problems and let humanity prosper forever on this planet. 

Below is the list of the top 5 sustainability development NGOs in Delhi.

  1. Mobius Foundation

Mr Pradip Burman, an influential leader, sworn environmentalist and a crusader of sustainability, founded a sustainable development NGO called Mobius Foundation in 2015 in Delhi. Their mission is to arrange programs that educate and encourage the residents of Delhi to adopt sustainable practices in their lifestyles. He has also initiated a few programmes that aim to inculcate sustainable practices in our daily lifestyle. The 3 programmes that encourage sustainable development are:

  1. Project Akar
  2. World Environment School (WESc)
  3. Gyan Anant Vidyalay (GAV)

These programmes focus widely on curbing overpopulation and teaching people about the necessity of sustainable development through building green schools for younger generations and organising awareness campaigns. 

SankalpTaru Foundation is a leading sustainable development NGO in India. Their main work area is to plant as many trees as possible and spread greenery in metropolitan cities like Bangalore and Delhi. They encourage residents to sow seeds and plant trees in their vicinity and take good care of them. After the task completion, volunteers can contact the NGO for the collection of the certificate of appreciation.

Till now, they have planted and survived 2274847 trees across 21 states in India, 13377315 tonnes of carbon footprint is reduced and maintained a healthy tree survival rate of more than 95% even in desert regions. 

Environics Trust is a top NGO for sustainable development in Delhi. They conduct research and find solutions to environmental issues and problems arising from human behaviours. The studies are later used to promote art and culture through innovative technical and institutional designs for environmental development.

It helps in guiding the local, state and central government and international communities in their development campaigns. Environics Trust executes its activities in the Himalayan regions and tries to reach communities like disaster-affected people, mining-affected communities, coastal people and the displaced communities.

Being Green is a registered sustainable development NGO in Nangloi, Delhi and was established in 2014. They aim to live sustainably in a Green Society by implementing environmental responsibilities and optimum usage of resources for the betterment of future generations. Their mission is to live in a sustainable environment which can be achieved by the contribution of the people to make their community, city and country more sustainable.

They wish to build efficient relationships and partnership with communities which share similar interests. By 2030, they want to plant 1 lakh trees with the help of these partnerships. 

Delhi Greens was established in 2007 with a mission to preserve natural resources. It is considered the best sustainable development NGO in Delhi as they educate people about the importance of environmentalism and its betterment experienced by future generations. They also encourage people to adopt practices that curb the problems of climate change and global warming.

They want to spread the message of the green economy and its benefits at the international level. The web-based publication ‘Delhi Green Blog (DGB)’ was initiated by their founder. As it got widely populated and got millions of eyes, it was later named the first Green Media Network initiative in India.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Pradip Burman - Farmers protest leads to traffic congestion

 Pradip Burman said “The diabolical protests that every now and then break in Delhi nowadays, have now become a serious issue for commuters waiting on highways”. When will this problem make headway?

At Singhu Border (Delhi-Haryana border) you can witness the security checks, which caused the heavy congestion near Delhi-Noida border.

Commuters in Delhi continue to suffer and have a distressing time on Tuesday, as the roads were heavily barricaded… police operating hastily from points as the closure of several border points which led to massive congestion and fights on the roads.

Senior policers who also spoke on the condition of anonymity said security was tightened in the city, because it was expecting the wrath of thousands of troubled farmers who were protesting on Delhi borders against farm laws. Farmers took on a rampage destroying public property and attacking public personnels in broad daylight.They also barged into Red Fort and disgraced the national flag.

Massive traffic jams told the tale of the chaos that was created from the eastern, southern and central parts of Delhi which were worsened by the closure of the Ghazipur-Ghaziabad border, Delhi-Meerut expressway, NH-9, and NH-24. The closed lanes of NH-24 resulted in bumper-to-bumper traffic on roads in the eastern part of the city.

“Ghazipur border is closed. Traffic diverted from NH 24, NH 9, Road no 56, 57 A, Kondli,Paper Market, Telco T point, EDM Mall, Akshardham and Nizammudin Khatta. Traffic is heavy on Vikas Marg, IP extension, NH 24. Please commute from other borders,” the Delhi Traffic Police said on Twitter.

The alternative routes on account of the closure of the Ghazipur border included Anand Vihar, Chilla, DND, Apsara, Bhopra and Loni borders. “Singhu, Saboli, Piau Maniyari borders are closed. Auchandi, Lampur, Safiabad, Singhu school and Palla toll tax borders are open. Please take alternate routes. Traffic is heavy and diverted from NH44. Please avoid Outer Ring Road, GTK road and NH 44,” the traffic police add

Pradip Burman feel these violent outbreaks not only have the potential to hinder someone’s timelines but cause serious damage to property and life. I request that measures must be taken to thwart such violent protests.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Mission Sustainability- Discussion with Pradip Burman, Chairman of Mobius Foundation

 WION, in partnership with Mobius Foundation, is taking the vision of the Government of India forward and launching a one-year-long social initiative called 'Mission Sustainability - Population v/s Planet'. The campaign commenced with a two-hour-long Thought Leadership Conclave on February 20, 2021. 

Technology has advanced in the last 100 years to give us television, satellites, space exploration, and instant communication through apps. But today, there is an urgency to take action, in the short and long term -- for the survival of civilisation as we know it. Although the general population is aware that the future looks bleak, the causes are not immediately apparent to the common person. But if we had to attribute the difficulty to a single cause, it is the explosion of population. The solution (mitigation), however, does not seem feasible.

Overpopulation is among the most pressing environmental issues, silently aggravating the forces behind global warming, environmental pollution, habitat loss, and consumption of finite natural resources at speeds faster than their rate of regeneration. Ecological issues are anyway just the beginning for many more problems and issues.

This conclave on WION seeks to trigger an informed and engaging debate around the dynamics of population and its bearing on economic growth and our resource-scarce planet. 

"Population explosion will cause many problems for our future generations. But there is a vigilant section of public that stops to think, before bringing a child to the world, whether they can do justice to the child, give them all that she or he wants. They have a small family and express their patriotism to the country. Let’s learn from them. There is need for social awareness.” - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, has been invited to grace the event as the chief guest and share his vision for population stabilisation and sustainable development of India. Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog will also join the event and address India's population policy and family planning programme. 

The conclave will feature policy experts, demographic researchers, and academicians discussing issues like 'Human Population Growth and Climate Change', 'Population Stabilisation: The roadmap for India' and 'The Effect of Educational Intervention on Family Planning'. The list of panellists includes notable names like Pradip Burman, Chairman, Mobius Foundation; Dr M Rajeevan, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences; Rameshwar Prasad Gupta, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change; Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director, PFI; Shailaja Chandra, Former Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Kartikeya Sarabhai, Director, CEE; and Professor KS James, Director, IIPS.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

First Ever Delhi based NGO talking on 'Population Control': Mobius Foundation in partnership with Zee Media Group

 NEW DELHI, July 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Mobius Foundation in partnership with WION is taking the vision of the Government of India forward, and launched a one-year-long social initiative called 'Mission Sustainability - Population v/s Planet'. The campaign commenced with a two-hour-long Thought Leadership Conclave on February 20, 2021. The launch was graced by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare and Amitabh Kanth, CEO, NITI AAYOG.

Expressing his satisfaction at the timely importance of holding the event, Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, "More people require more resources, and as the population increases, the earth's resources deplete. The population boom has been affecting the planet and the human race in many adverse ways. People in developing countries like India, feel the impact of environmental problems more acutely." - Quoted (

On this occasion, Amitabh Kanth, CEO, NITI AAYOG said, "'Family Planning' is considered the smartest development investment. For India to realise its sustainable development goals and economic aspirations, it is important to ensure that people have informed access to contraception and quality family planning services."

The launch had visionaries and dignitaries on board from across the country, and from different fields. Mr Rameshwar Prasad Gupta, Sec. Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Dr Madhavan Nair, Sec. Ministry of Earth Science India, Ms Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director, Population Foundation of India (PFI), Ms Shailaja Chandra, Former Secretary to the Government of India and Former Chief Secretary, Delhi, Mr Manu Gaur, President, Taxpayers Association of Bharat (TAXAB), Kartikeya Vikram Sarabhai, Founder and Director, CEE, Prof. Saroj Yadav Dean (Academic) NCERT, K.S. James, Director, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) were part of the launch.

The complete 2-hour launch was divided in two three robust segments, each setting up the contest of the year-long awareness programme. The three segments were:




To watch the launch, visit:

There was an exclusive one-on-one fireside chat with the Chairman of Mobius Foundation, Mr. Pradip Burmanwhere he mentioned that the "Mobius Foundation is focusing on two main objectives EDUCATION and POPULATION STABILISATION and emphasised that two solutions which can be implemented right away are RECYCLING and RENEWABLE ENERGY. If we can attain 100% of these two things, then our problem is solved."

Dr Ram Boojh, CEO, Mobius Foundation along with other panellists shed light on why we should focus on education and awareness around 'Population Stabilisation'. Points brought in focus were 'education leads to lower birth rates and slows population growth. This makes it easier for countries to develop. A more-educated workforce also makes poverty eradication and economic growth easier to achieve. The literacy rate is directly proportional to the fertility rate. Lack of formal education on matters related to population, like family planning, sexual education, reproductive behaviour, cultural and social values, and contraception is missing from the educational structure. This should not be a controversial subject, rather taken to the younger generation and young couples openly.

Mobius Foundation with this campaign is working to put the spotlight back on human population growth. Programme is titled "MISSION SUSTAINABILITY- POPULATION VS. PLANET" for English audience on WION Channel and "संभलना ज़रूरी है - जनसंख्या बनाम प्रकृति" for Hindi and regional audience on Zee News and it's regional network. Under this campaign, topics on how over population is responsible for exerting pressure in these areas or developing these issues are Climate Change, Bio Diversity and Natural Resources, Energy Crisis, Air Pollution, Jobs and Housing, Water Pollution, Depletion of Non-Renewable Resources, Education and Empowerment, Waste Generation, Education, Over Consumption Patterns etc. 

About the Mobius Foundation:

The Mobius Foundation is a non-profit organisation, committed to supporting sustainability, empowering technologies, strengthening systems, encouraging healthy behaviour and   focusing on education. The Foundation intends to create sustainable, culturally relevant   solutions, enabling communities to break longstanding practices that are detrimental to human existence. The Mobius Foundation has been working in India since 2015, collaborating with a diverse range of civil society partners and NGO partners to contribute to achieving a sustainable India.

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Mobius Foundation


Mobius Foundation

Pradip Burman’s Thoughts on Sustainable Development

Who is Pradip Burman? Mr Pradip Burman is an environmentalist, social contributor, and prolific businessman. He is the grandson of DR. S....