Tuesday, August 10, 2021

First Ever Delhi based NGO talking on 'Population Control': Mobius Foundation in partnership with Zee Media Group

 NEW DELHI, July 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Mobius Foundation in partnership with WION is taking the vision of the Government of India forward, and launched a one-year-long social initiative called 'Mission Sustainability - Population v/s Planet'. The campaign commenced with a two-hour-long Thought Leadership Conclave on February 20, 2021. The launch was graced by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare and Amitabh Kanth, CEO, NITI AAYOG.

Expressing his satisfaction at the timely importance of holding the event, Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, "More people require more resources, and as the population increases, the earth's resources deplete. The population boom has been affecting the planet and the human race in many adverse ways. People in developing countries like India, feel the impact of environmental problems more acutely." - Quoted (indiaeducationdiary.in)

On this occasion, Amitabh Kanth, CEO, NITI AAYOG said, "'Family Planning' is considered the smartest development investment. For India to realise its sustainable development goals and economic aspirations, it is important to ensure that people have informed access to contraception and quality family planning services."

The launch had visionaries and dignitaries on board from across the country, and from different fields. Mr Rameshwar Prasad Gupta, Sec. Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Dr Madhavan Nair, Sec. Ministry of Earth Science India, Ms Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director, Population Foundation of India (PFI), Ms Shailaja Chandra, Former Secretary to the Government of India and Former Chief Secretary, Delhi, Mr Manu Gaur, President, Taxpayers Association of Bharat (TAXAB), Kartikeya Vikram Sarabhai, Founder and Director, CEE, Prof. Saroj Yadav Dean (Academic) NCERT, K.S. James, Director, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) were part of the launch.

The complete 2-hour launch was divided in two three robust segments, each setting up the contest of the year-long awareness programme. The three segments were:




To watch the launch, visit: https://youtu.be/ADEA06gbUv4

There was an exclusive one-on-one fireside chat with the Chairman of Mobius Foundation, Mr. Pradip Burmanwhere he mentioned that the "Mobius Foundation is focusing on two main objectives EDUCATION and POPULATION STABILISATION and emphasised that two solutions which can be implemented right away are RECYCLING and RENEWABLE ENERGY. If we can attain 100% of these two things, then our problem is solved."

Dr Ram Boojh, CEO, Mobius Foundation along with other panellists shed light on why we should focus on education and awareness around 'Population Stabilisation'. Points brought in focus were 'education leads to lower birth rates and slows population growth. This makes it easier for countries to develop. A more-educated workforce also makes poverty eradication and economic growth easier to achieve. The literacy rate is directly proportional to the fertility rate. Lack of formal education on matters related to population, like family planning, sexual education, reproductive behaviour, cultural and social values, and contraception is missing from the educational structure. This should not be a controversial subject, rather taken to the younger generation and young couples openly.

Mobius Foundation with this campaign is working to put the spotlight back on human population growth. Programme is titled "MISSION SUSTAINABILITY- POPULATION VS. PLANET" for English audience on WION Channel and "संभलना ज़रूरी है - जनसंख्या बनाम प्रकृति" for Hindi and regional audience on Zee News and it's regional network. Under this campaign, topics on how over population is responsible for exerting pressure in these areas or developing these issues are Climate Change, Bio Diversity and Natural Resources, Energy Crisis, Air Pollution, Jobs and Housing, Water Pollution, Depletion of Non-Renewable Resources, Education and Empowerment, Waste Generation, Education, Over Consumption Patterns etc. 

About the Mobius Foundation:

The Mobius Foundation is a non-profit organisation, committed to supporting sustainability, empowering technologies, strengthening systems, encouraging healthy behaviour and   focusing on education. The Foundation intends to create sustainable, culturally relevant   solutions, enabling communities to break longstanding practices that are detrimental to human existence. The Mobius Foundation has been working in India since 2015, collaborating with a diverse range of civil society partners and NGO partners to contribute to achieving a sustainable India.

Media Contact:

Mobius Foundation



Mobius Foundation

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